Clean Energy: A Growth Driver for the Economy & Jobs

The progress of the clean energy industry over the past two years is nothing short of remarkable.
As demand for electricity continues to rise, clean power is answering the call and propelling a new era of American manufacturing. Historic levels of investments into the sector are providing a powerful engine for job creation across the nation and onshoring a domestic clean energy supply chain, as new manufacturing facilities spring up to provide American-built energy generation.
The last two years have seen the industry announce over $500 billion in clean energy investment and over 160 new manufacturing facilities or facility expansions. These facilities are expected to provide over 100,000 new manufacturing jobs.
These announcements are quickly becoming realized. Of the announced manufacturing facilities or expansions, 44% are online and operating or under construction. 20,000 new manufacturing jobs are now available. And over the past two years, the industry has installed more than 55 gigawatts of capacity—the energy equivalent of clean power for over 10 million homes.
These investments are revitalizing communities and restoring pride to many who still remember—and are still connected to—America’s proud history of manufacturing. From GE Vernova building America’s biggest land-based wind turbine in a community where Thomas Edison’s first company (General Electric) flourished, to Form Energy building innovative multi-day battery systems at a site in West Virginia where steel manufacturing used to support the town, clean energy is bringing new optimism and opportunity to folks with deep ties to America’s history of manufacturing.
The stories and findings in this year’s report are a testament to the industry’s progress in these transformational two years, and provide a glimpse of the economic growth to come.
*Data collected through July 31, 2024